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Deploy Your Plugin

Now that you have created your plugin component(s), it is time to package it into a single plugin for deployment.

If you are following the guided example, you should have the following components completed and packaged in its own respective folders:

  1. my_algorithm component
  2. my_widget component

Combine the plugin components

The my_plugin directory should mimic the same plugin structure. The algorithms directory should contain algorithms, with each one in its own respective folder. The widget components will be stored in the widgets directory.

plugin structure

In this guided example, the algorithms directory will have the folder my_algorithm. The widgets directory will contain my_widget.meta.json, my_widget.mdx, and my_algorithm.sample.json.

Edit Plugin Details (Optional)

You may wish to edit plugin.meta.json to change the plugin details.

  "gid": "my_plugin",
  "name": "My Plugin",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "My First Plugin",
  "author": "AI Verify"

Deploy your Plugin

You can package your plugin using the ai-verify-plugin zip command.

# Execute this command under the my_plugin directory
ai-verify-plugin zip


A new folder dist will be created. This folder is where the packaged .zip file will be created and placed.

Verify that the zip file exists in your dist directory:

The resulting plugin is packaged as a zip file, which can be used to share with other developers who are interested in using your plugin. Users and developers can then upload the zip file onto AI Verify through the plugin manager and use it in the report.

Uploading the plugin

To upload the plugin, start the frontend portal of AI Verify. You will need to install AI Verify if you have not done so. The instructions to install and run AI Verify from source code can be found in the User Guide.

  1. Once the portal is started up, visit the portal at http://localhost:3000/home. In the homepage, click on "Plugins" to visit the Plugin Manager page: aiv_homepage

  2. In the Plugin Manager page, click on "INSTALL PLUGIN" at the top right and select, then click on "INSTALL" : install_plugin

  3. The following prompt should appear to inform you that the plugin has been installed successfully:


  4. You should see your plugin in the list of installed plugins: plugin_manager_page

Generating the Report

  1. It is time to run the plugin. In the homepage, click on "Create New Project": aiv_homepage
  2. Fill in the project details and click "Next" on the top right: project_details
  3. On the Design Report page, drag your widget from the left panel to the canvas: canvas Since the widget is a dynamic height widget, the widget height will expand dynamically to fill to the bottom of the canvas. When you're ready, click "Next" on the top right.
  4. On the Select the Datasets and AI Model to be tested page, select and upload the dataset, ground truth dataset and model. You can use the dataset provided in the template or download from here. Refer to the following table for reference.

    Data, Model, and Test Arguments Selected Dataset / Model / Test Arguments
    Testing Dataset sample_bc_credit_data.sav
    Ground Truth Dataset sample_bc_credit_data.sav, Ground Truth: default
    AI Model sample_bc_credit_data.sav
    Test Arguments gender
  5. During model upload, choose Upload AI Model to the AI model file and click "Next". upload_model

  6. Click "OPEN" at the "My Algorithm" box and type gender for the feature name.
  7. Click "OPEN" at the "My Input Block" box and enter your first and last name. The end result should look like this. data_and_model_selection
  8. When you are ready, click on "Next" on the top right. Click on "PROCEED" when prompted: confirm_generate_report
  9. You should see the logs of what is happening in the backend and when your report has been generated, you should see the "Test Completed" prompt in the top right. Click on "VIEW REPORT" to see your report: generated_report
  10. Your report will be displayed as a PDF file. report Congratulations! You have generated your first report.