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Creating your First Algorithm Component

In this example, you will be building an algorithm component that takes in a feature value from the user and prints out that value in a generated report.

There are three objectives in this algorithm component example:

  1. Modify the input schema for the algorithm to receive user input
  2. Modify the output schema and and write code to return the expected output
  3. Modify the testing codes

Generating the algorithm component project

Algorithms are stored under the my_plugin/algorithms folder. From your terminal, use ai-verify-plugin ga to generate an algorithm component template for your new algorithm.

# Navigate to the plugin project directory
cd my_plugin

# Generate the algorithm template
ai-verify-plugin ga my_algorithm --name "My Algorithm" --description "This algorithm returns the value of the feature name selected by the user."

Yay! You have generated an algorithm component project to create your first algorithm. Verify that the directory algorithms/my_algorithm exists in your current directory.

ls algorithms/my_algorithm

You should see the files generated for the algorithm component under the directory. For more information on the files generated, see Understanding your algorithm project.

Check the Algorithm Meta Data

Open the file my_algorithm.meta.json under the algorithms/my_algorithm folder and check that the properties are set correctly as shown below:

  "cid": "my_algorithm",
  "name": "My Algorithm",
  "modelType": [
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "author": "Example Author",
  "description": "This algorithm returns the value of the feature name selected by the user.",
  "tags": [
    "My Algorithm",
  "requireGroundTruth": true,
  "requiredFiles": [

Modifying input schema

First, modify input.schema.json to request an input called feature_name from the user when the user uses this algorithm. Notice the highlighted lines that requires a feature_name field, and the properties of the feature_name is also defined.

    "title": "Algorithm Plugin Input Arguments",
    "description": "A schema for algorithm plugin input arguments",
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "feature_name": {
            "title": "Feature Name",
            "description": "Indicate the feature name to be extracted from the data file",
            "type": "string"

Modifying algorithm

Modify to receive and return the data of the requested feature_name.


All codes generated has been annotated with TODO: for users to quickly navigate to areas that require code modification.

Next, update the generate method to retrieve the return the values of the selected feature_name in a given sample data file.
    def generate(self) -> None:
        A method to generate the algorithm results with the provided data, model, ground truth information.
        # Retrieve data information
        self._data = self._data_instance.get_data()

        # TODO: Insert algorithm logic for this plug-in.
        # Retrieve the input arguments
        my_user_defined_feature_name = self._input_arguments['feature_name']

        # Get the values of the feature name and convert to a list.
        self._results = {
            "my_expected_results": list(self._data[my_user_defined_feature_name].values)

        # Update progress (For 100% completion)

Lastly, update the output.schema.json to return the expected results. This file will be validated against the output to ensure that the results (see line 180 in the previous code snippet) adhere to the output schema.

In this algorithm, the expected output will be stored in a list (or array) named my_expected_results. There must be at least 10 items in the list, and the items must have the type number (as shown in the highlighted lines).

    "title": "Algorithm Plugin Output Arguments",
    "description": "A schema for algorithm plugin output arguments",
    "type": "object",
    "required": ["my_expected_results"],
    "minProperties": 1,
    "properties": {
        "my_expected_results": {
            "description": "Algorithm Output",
            "type": "array",
            "minItems": 10,
            "items": {"type": "number"}

Run the test

First, update with your sample data, model and ground truth files required for your algorithm to run.

In this algorithm, we have updated the data_path, model_path, ground_truth_path to the path of the files. The ground_truth has also been set to default. We have also updated the plugin_argument_values with required arguments to ensure that the input validation passes. This is typically an input parameter from the dataset. For the mock data, we will be using gender as the plugin argument value.

If you have been following every step from Installing AI Verify Developer Tools to Guided Example, you will need to update core_modules_path as shown below. If you decide to structure the files differently, ensure that core_modules_path is an absolute/relative path pointing to your test-engine-core-modules folder.
from tests.plugin_test import PluginTest

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # TODO: Define data, model, ground_truth file location. Requires absolute path.
    #       Define core modules path as relative/absolute path. If you cloned the project using 
    #       the provided setup script, leave core_modules_path as an empty string.
    # Example:
    # data_path = "tests/user_defined_files/data/sample_reg_donation_data.sav"
    # model_path = "tests/user_defined_files/model/sample_reg_donation_sklearn_linear.LogisticRegression.sav"
    # ground_truth_path = "tests/user_defined_files/data/sample_reg_donation_data.sav"
    # ground_truth = "default"
    # model_type = ModelType.REGRESSION
    core_modules_path = "../../../aiverify/test-engine-core-modules"

    data_path = "tests/user_defined_files/data/sample_bc_credit_data.sav"
    model_path = "tests/user_defined_files/model/sample_bc_credit_sklearn_linear.LogisticRegression.sav"
    ground_truth_path = "tests/user_defined_files/data/sample_bc_credit_data.sav"
    ground_truth = "default"
    model_type = ModelType.CLASSIFICATION
    run_pipeline = False

    # TODO: Define the plugin input parameters value referenced from input.schema.json
    # Example:
    # plugin_arguments_value = {
    #     "argument1": "MyArgumentValue"
    # }
    plugin_argument_values = {
        "feature_name": "gender"


Ground truth is optional so if your algorithm does not require ground truth, ground_truth_path and ground_truth can be left as an empty string "".

Next, run ai-verify-plugin testa to test your algorithm.

ai-verify-plugin testa

If the test passes (no error messages in terminal), you have successfully completed the creation of the algorithm component. At this stage, you can either deploy your algorithm component as a standalone plugin, or continue to work on other components (eg. another algorithm, widget, input block etc) before packaging it as a single plugin.

If the test fails, refer to the troubleshooting guide for help.