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Creating your First Input Block Component

In this example, you will be building an input block component that prompts the user to enter their first and last name in a web form.

There are three learning objectives in this tutorial:

  1. Create a input block component in the plugin project.
  2. Modify the input block component to create a web form with inputs for first and last name

Generating a input block component

Widgets are stored in the my_plugin/inputs folder. Use ai-verify-plugin gib to generate your widget.

Run the following command to generate a new input block.

ai-verify-plugin gib "my_inputblock" --name "My Input Block" --description "My first Input Block"

Verify that the directory inputs exists in your current directory with the files for the input block generated inside.

ls inputs

The following files are created:

  • my_inputblock.mdx
  • my_inputblock.summary.mdx
  • my_inputblock.meta.json

Check the Input Block Meta Data

Open the file my_inputblock.meta.json under the inputs folder and check that the properties are set correctly as shown below:

  "cid": "my_inputblock",
  "name": "My Input Block",
  "description": "My first Input Block"

Editing MDX

Open and edit my_inputblock.mdx to implement the MDX content.

<div style={{ display:"flex", flexDirection:"column"}}>
  <label htmlFor="fname">First name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="fname" value={["fname"]} onChange={(e)=>props.onChangeData("fname",} />
  <label htmlFor="lname">Last name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="lname" value={["lname"]} onChange={(e)=>props.onChangeData("lname",} />

Editing Summary MDX

Open and edit my_inputblock.summary.mdx to update the summary MDX content as highlighted.

export const progress = (data) => {
    // TODO: replace below code with percentage of user completion.
  if (!data)
    return 0;
  const totalKeys = 2;
  const numKeys = Object.values(data).filter(v => {
    if (typeof (v) === "string" || Array.isArray(v)) {
      return v.length > 0;
    } else {
      return true;
  return Math.round((numKeys / totalKeys) * 100);

Once you have build your input block, you can proceed to create a widget.