AI Verify Plugin Tool
The ai-verify-plugin tool is a command-line tool that help widget and input block developers to develop and scaffold AI Verify plugin projects directly from command line.
Basic Use
Once the tool is installed, it can be invoked with ai-verify-plugin
. The command line syntax is as follows:
The second argument --help
argument will output the help menu for the tool or the command. For example,
You can view the list of commands with ai-verify-plugin --help
ai-verify-plugin <cmd> [args]
ai-verify-plugin generate-plugin [gid] Generate skeleton AI Verify plugin project [aliases: gp]
ai-verify-plugin generate-widget <cid> Generate skeleton AI Verify widget [aliases: gw]
ai-verify-plugin generate-inputblock <cid> Generate skeleton AI Verify input block [aliases: gib]
ai-verify-plugin generate-algorithm <cid> Generate skeleton AI Verify algorithm [aliases: ga]
ai-verify-plugin zip [pluginDir] Create the plugin zip file
ai-verify-plugin validate Validate AI Verify plugin
ai-verify-plugin test-widget Run the plugin tests for widgets and input blocks [aliases: testw]
ai-verify-plugin test-algorithm Run the plugin tests for algorithms [aliases: testa]
ai-verify-plugin test-all Run all the tests for widgets, input blocks and algorithms with default
ai-verify-plugin playground Launch the plugin playround
--help Show help [boolean]
Tip: Using the gp, gw and gib commands on existing plugin or component will update the component meta data with any new arguments specified. To overwrite existing meta properties, use the --force argument.
generate-plugin [alias: gp]
This command generates a skeleton plugin project.
ai-verify-plugin generate-plugin [gid]
Generate skeleton AI Verify plugin project
gid Plugin Global ID [string] [default: If not specified, a random UUID will be generated.]
--help Show help [boolean]
--name Plugin name. If not provided will be set to same as gid. [string]
--version Plugin version. Version should be a valid semantic version. [string] [default: "1.0.0"]
--author Plugin author [string] [default: "AI Verify"]
--description Plugin description [string]
--license Plugin opensource license
[string] [choices: "Apache Software License 2.0", "MIT", "BSD-3", "GNU GPL v3.0", "Mozilla Public License 2.0"]
[default: "Apache Software License 2.0"]
--url Plugin URL [string]
--force Overwrite existing settings. By default existing settings will not be overwritten. [boolean]
If the command run is successful, the tool will generate a folder with the same name as the plugin gid and the following files:
File | Description |
plugin.meta.json | Contains the plugin meta information | | Contains generic README for the plugin |
LICENSE | Contains the selected license file for the plugin project |
.gitignore | List of untracked files for git to ignore |
To generate plugin with random gid.
To generate plugin with specific gid.
generate-widget [alias: gw]
To generate a widget, cd to a plugin project folder and run the following command.
ai-verify-plugin generate-widget <cid>
Generate skeleton AI Verify widget
cid Widget Component ID [string] [required]
Widget Sizes
--minW Specify the minimum widget width (1-12) [number] [default: 1]
--minH Specify the minimum widget height (1-36) [number] [default: 1]
--maxW Specify the maximum widget width (1-12) [number] [default: 12]
--maxH Specify the maximum widget height (1-36) [number] [default: 36]
--help Show help [boolean]
--name Widget name. If not provided will be set to same as cid. [string]
--description Widget description [string]
--tag Allow users to search and filter by tags [array]
--dep, --dependency Option format: "<Algorithm|InputBlock>,cid[,gid,version]". Add the option as dependency in the
widget meta config. [array]
--prop, --property Option format: "key[,helper][,default]". Add the option as property in the widget meta config.
--dynamicHeight Indicate that this widget has dynamic height. [boolean]
--force Overwrite existing settings. By default existing settings will not be overwritten. [boolean]
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
Notes: * For every dependencies defined, a sample json file "\<gid>.sample.json" will be created.
Upon successful command run, the following files are generated under the widgets sub-folder:
File | Description |
\<widget cid>.meta.json | Contains the widget meta information |
\<widget cid>.mdx | MDX script for the widget |
\<dep gid>.sample.json | JSON file containing sample data for each dependency specified |
Generate a widget without any dependencies and properties.
ai-verify-plugin gw "mywidget" --name "My Widget" --description "Widget without dependencies and properties"
Generate a widget with a couple of tags.
ai-verify-plugin gw "mywidget" --name "My Widget" --description "Widget with tags" --tag mytag1 --tag mytag2
Generate a widget with minimum width set to 12.
Generate a widget with properties.
ai-verify-plugin gw "mywidget" --name "My Widget" --description "Widget with properties" --prop "title,Title text to display,Hello World"
Generate a widget with dependencies.
ai-verify-plugin gw "mywidget" --name "My Widget" --description "Widget with dependencies" --dep "Algorithm,my-fake-algo-gid,1.1.0" --dep "InputBlock,my-input-block"
generate-inputblock [alias: gib]
To generate an input block, cd to a plugin project folder and run the following command.
ai-verify-plugin generate-inputblock <cid>
Generate skeleton AI Verify input block
cid Input Block Component ID [string] [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
--name Input Block name. If not provided will be set to same as cid. [string]
--description Input Block description [string]
--group Input Block group. Input blocks of the same group name (case-senstive) will be grouped together in the
input block list [string]
--width Width of input block dialog box [string] [choices: "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl"]
--fullScreen Whether the input block dialog should be full screen [boolean]
--force Overwrite existing files or settings. By default existing files and settings will not be overwritten.
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
File | Description |
\<input block cid>.meta.json | Contains the input block meta information |
\<input block cid>.mdx | MDX script for the input block |
\<input block cid>.ts | Typescript containing the input block summary methods |
Generate with input block.
Generate with input block with dialog width "lg"
ai-verify-plugin gib "myinputblock" --name "My Input Block" --description "An input block with dialog width lg" --width lg
generate-algorithm [alias: ga]
To generate an Algorithm, cd to a plugin project folder and run the following command.
ai-verify-plugin generate-algorithm <cid>
Generate skeleton AI Verify algorithm
cid Algorithm Component ID [string] [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
--interactive Prompt for arguments (will ignore rest of command line options) [boolean]
--author Author name [string] [default: "Example Author"]
--pluginVersion Plugin version [string] [default: "0.1.0"]
--description Algorithm description [string]
--tag Allow users to search and filter by tags [array]
--modelSupport Algoritm model support
[string] [choices: "Classification", "Regression", "Both"] [default: "Classification"]
--requireGroundTruth Whether this algorithm require ground truth (--no-requireGroundTruth to indicate not required)
[boolean] [default: true]
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
This commands create a plugin zip file that can be uploaded to the AI Verify portal using the Plugin Manager.
ai-verify-plugin zip [pluginDir]
Create the plugin zip file
pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
--help Show help [boolean]
--skip-validation Skip validation [boolean]
Notes * By default, the zip command will run validation tests first before creating the plugin zip. The "--skip-validation" option allows user to skip the validation step.
This command run validate checks on the meta files and MDX scripts under the plugin folder.
ai-verify-plugin validate
Validate AI Verify plugin
--help Show help [boolean]
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
test-widget [alias: testw]
This command uses Jest to run tests on the input blocks and widgets.
ai-verify-plugin test-widget
Run the plugin tests for widgets and input blocks
--help Show help [boolean]
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
--coverage, --collectCoverage Indicates that test coverage information should be collected and reported in the
output. [boolean] [default: false]
--listTests Lists all test files that Jest will run given the arguments, and exits.
[boolean] [default: false]
--showConfig Print your Jest config and then exits. [boolean] [default: false]
--watch Watch files for changes and rerun tests related to changed files.
[boolean] [default: false]
--watchAll Watch files for changes and rerun all tests when something changes.
[boolean] [default: false]
--ci When this option is provided, Jest will assume it is running in a CI environment.
[boolean] [default: false]
-u, --updateSnapshot Use this flag to re-record every snapshot that fails during this test run.
[boolean] [default: false]
--json Prints the test results in JSON. This mode will send all other test output and user
messages to stderr. [boolean] [default: false]
--outputFile Write test results to a file when the --json option is also specified. [string]
By default, the command will run validation and snapshot tests on the input blocks and widgets found under the plugin directory. The snapshots will be saved to __snapshots__
folder under the plugin directory. It is recommended that developers add the __snapshots__
folder to their project repository.
To add additional Jest tests, developers can write their own tests and place them under __tests__
folder under the plugin directory.
test-algorithm [alias: testa]
This command run the algorithm test script for each algorithm found under the plugin directory.
ai-verify-plugin test-algorithm
Run the plugin tests for algorithms
--help Show help [boolean]
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
--silent Do not display the stdout from the algorithm tests on the console. [boolean] [default: false]
This command runs the tests for all algorithms, input blocks and widgets found under the plugin directory.
ai-verify-plugin test-all
Run all the tests for widgets, input blocks and algorithms with default options
--help Show help [boolean]
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
This command launches a web playground app to allow developers to view widgets and input blocks during development.
ai-verify-plugin playground
Launch the plugin playround
--help Show help [boolean]
--pluginDir Path to plugin directory [string] [default: "."]
--port Playground port to listen on [number] [default: 5000]
--hostname Playground hostname to listen on [string] [default: "localhost"]
To start the playground, runs the playground command under a plugin directory. The command will scan for the algorithms, widgets and input blocks found under the plugin and launches the playground app listening on http://localhost:5000/ by default. To change the port and hostname, use the options to configure.