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Deploying and Packaging Your Algorithm Plugin

When you are creating your distribution package with ai-verify-plugin zip command, these are the things that will happen for each algorithms to be packed:

Syntax checking

There will be a syntax check run on the main Python file (in this case it will be This is to ensure that the algorithm can run smoothly before packaging. If the check fails, it means that there are syntax error(s) and you will have to fix the error(s) before continuing.

Test Running the Algorithm

This is the same as testing your algorithm in the previous section. The algorithm's input argument(s) and generated results will be validated against the schema you have defined in input.schema.json and output.schema.json respectively. This is to ensure that the input argument(s) and generated results have the right format and data type.

Adding in the Required Files

There is a predefined list of files that are required (as mentioned in requiredFiles) to be packaged with the algorithm plugin for the algorithm to run. The Python file(s)/directory(s) you have added into requiredFiles will be added into the package as well.

Packaging the Algorithm Plugin

When all the checks have passed and all the required files have been added, the algorithm component, together with the required files, will be added to the plugin .zip file. The .zip package will be used for distribution.