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Understanding Your Algorithm Project

Project Directory

After creating the project from Cookiecutter (with your_first_algorithm_plugin as an example), the project directory will look something like this:

├── AUTHORS.rst
├── input.schema.json
├── output.schema.json
├── plugin.meta.json
├── requirements.txt
├── tests
│   ├──
│   └── user_defined_files
│       ├── data
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_binary_classification_credit_risk_testing.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_binary_classification_pipeline_credit_risk_testing.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_binary_classification_pipeline_credit_risk_ytest.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_multiclass_classification_pipeline_toxic_classification_testing.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_multiclass_classification_pipeline_toxic_classification_ytest.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_multiclass_classification_toxic_classification_testing.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_regression_donation_testing.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_regression_pipeline_testing.sav
│       │   ├── pickle_pandas_mock_regression_pipeline_ytest.sav
│       │   └── raw_fashion_image_10
│       │       ├── 0.png
│       │       ├── 1.png
│       │       ├── 2.png
│       │       ├── 3.png
│       │       ├── 4.png
│       │       ├── 5.png
│       │       ├── 6.png
│       │       ├── 7.png
│       │       ├── 8.png
│       │       └── 9.png
│       ├── model
│       │   ├── binary_classification_mock_credit_risk_sklearn.linear_model._logistic.LogisticRegression.sav
│       │   ├── multiclass_classification_mock_toxic_classification_sklearn.linear_model._logistic.LogisticRegression.sav
│       │   └── regression_mock_donation_sklearn.linear_model._base.LinearRegression.sav
│       └── pipeline
│           ├── binary_classification_tabular_credit_loan
│           │   ├── binary_classification_pipeline_credit_risk_sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline.sav
│           │   └──
│           ├── multiclass_classification_image_mnist_fashion
│           │   ├──
│           │   └── fashion_mnist_lr_pipeline.sav
│           ├── multiclass_classification_tabular_toxic_classification
│           │   ├── multiclass_classification_pipeline_toxic_classification_sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline.sav
│           │   └──
│           └── regression_tabular_donation
│               ├──
│               └── regression_pipeline_donation_sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline.sav
├── your_first_algorithm_plugin.meta.json

Files in The Project

  • AUTHORS.rst
    The name or organisation name of the algorithm developer.
    A log of all notable changes made to this project.
    The license of this algorithm.
    A default page which is shown on the code repository. It contains the description, license, plugin URL and developers.
    The file with a main function which serves as an entry point for testing.
  • input.schema.json
    The input schema of the algorithm. It is used to validate against the user's input when running the algorithm.
  • output.schema.json
    The output schema of the algorithm. It is used to validate against the algorithm's generated result.
  • plugin.meta.json
    The metadata of the algorithm. It contains the gid, version, name, author, description and project url.
  • requirements.txt
    A list of required Python packages required for this plugin.
    A Python script which checks for syntax errors in the main file
  • tests/
    The file with all the testing logic of the algorithm plugin. It is called by
  • tests/user_defined_files
    A directory for the user to place all the test files required for the algorithm. Test files can include sample data and model read in by the algorithm.
  • your_first_algorithm_plugin.meta.json
    The metadata of the type of algorithm, which also serves as a configuration file to manage the files to include for deployment. It contains the cid, name, model type, version, description, tags, whether or not it requires ground truth and the required files for deployment.
    The file with all the logic of the algorithm. Most, if not all the codes should reside in this file.

Understanding the Files You Need To Modify

While there are many files included in this project, you will only need to focus on modifying a few files. There are TODO comments in each of these files to guide you on the things you have to modify (please remove the TODO comments when you have modified the required parts). Here are the files:

The entry point when testing your algorithm. When you run python ., you will run this file, which will call the test file. You will need to update the paths to the data and the input arguments in this file.
    core_modules_path = ""
    data_path = "tests/user_defined_files/data/pickle_pandas_mock_binary_classification_credit_risk_testing.sav"
    model_path = "tests/user_defined_files/model/binary_classification_mock_credit_risk_sklearn.linear_model._logistic.LogisticRegression.sav"
    ground_truth_path = "tests/user_defined_files/data/pickle_pandas_mock_binary_classification_credit_risk_testing.sav"
    ground_truth = "default"
    model_type = ModelType.CLASSIFICATION
    run_pipeline = False

    plugin_argument_values = {
        "sensitive_feature": ["gender"]

  • core_modules_path: The absolute or relative path (from of the test-engine-core-modules path. This can be left empty and it will default to ../../../../test-engine-core-modules
  • data_path: The absolute or relative path (from of the test data file
  • model_path: The absolute or relative path (from of the test model file
  • ground_truth_path (optional): The absolute or relative path (from of the ground truth data file
  • ground_truth(optional): The field name(string) of the ground truth


Ground truth is optional so if your algorithm does not require ground truth, ground_truth_path and ground_truth can be left as an empty string "".

  • plugin_argument_values: A dictionary of input arguments. In the example above, the input argument sensitive_featureis an array of string . The input argument(s) and their type(s) must match the schema in input.schema.json.


This section uses your_first_algorithm_plugin as a sample project. If, for instance, your project is named your_second_algorithm_plugin, this file would be named instead.

This file is the heart of the algorithm plugin where the magic happens. Most, if not all the codes will be in this file.

Plugin Description

The following points should be considered when writing the plugin description:

  1. Document the purpose of this plugin.
  2. What does this plugin do in general?
  3. Are there any limitations for this plugin?
  4. Is there anything else that future developers should note or understand?


        # TODO: Update the plugin description below
        The Plugin({{cookiecutter.plugin_name}}) class specifies methods in generating results for algorithm
        # Some information on plugin
        _name: str = "Partial Dependence Plot"
        _description: str = (
            "A Partial Dependence Plot (PDP) explains how each feature and its feature value "
            "contribute to the predictions."
        _version: str = "0.1.0"
        _metadata: PluginMetadata = PluginMetadata(_name, _description, _version)
        _plugin_type: PluginType = PluginType.ALGORITHM
        _requires_ground_truth: bool = False

Input Schema

There is no need to update anything in this file. This is a reminder to update the `input.schema.json`.

Output Schema

There is no need to update anything in this file. This is a reminder to update the `output.schema.json`.

Main Codes of the Algorithm

The generate() method is where your codes will be inserted. When the main file is run, it will create an instance of PluginTest() and call its method run(), which will call this method generate(). As such, your codes will be in either in generate() or another method that generate() calls, like _explain_pdp() in the example below:

      def generate(self) -> None:
        A method to generate the algorithm results with the provided data, model, ground truth information.
        # Retrieve data information
        self._data = self._data_instance.get_data()

        # Perform pdp explanation

        # Update progress (For 100% completion)

      def _explain_pdp(self) -> None:
        # main codes
        self._results = your_algo_output_results


Regardless of where your algorithm codes are placed, the final output of the algorithm must be assigned to self._results. The final output will be used to match against the schema defined in output.schema.json.


Specifies the schema for the input. This is used to validate the schema of the user's input.

    "title": "Algorithm Plugin Input Arguments",
    "description": "A schema for algorithm plugin input arguments",
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "sensitive_feature": {
            "title": "Sensitive Feature Names",
            "description": "Array of Sensitive Feature Names (e.g. Gender)",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "minItems": 1
  • title: The title of this input schema file
  • description: The description of this input schema file
  • type: Input type of argument. It should be object by default
  • required: Field(s) which must be present. Add the name of the required field(s) into the list (i.e. required: [required_feature_one, ... ,required_feature_n])
  • properties: Contains the details of the required field(s). Every required field must be included and contain the following details:
    • title: Name of the required field
    • description: A brief description of the field with some sample
    • type: The type of the required field. It can be array, string, number, etc
    • If the type is array, it must also contain a nested list named items, which contains the type of the element in the array (refer to percentiles in the example). You can include multiple types in the items list if you allow multiple types for the items (i.e. "items": {"type": "number", "type": "string"})


Specifies the schema for the output. This is used to validate the schema of the algorithm's output.

    "title":"Algorithm Plugin Output Arguments",
    "description":"A schema for algorithm plugin output arguments",
            "description":"Array of feature names",
            "description":"Array of output classes",
            "description":"Matrix of feature values (# feature names)",
                "description":"Matrix of PDP plot data (# output classes)",
                    "description":"Array of PDP values for each feature value (# feature values)",
                        "description":"Array of feature and PDP value",

  • title: The title of this output schema file
  • description: The description of this output schema file
  • type: Input type of argument. It should be object by default
  • required: Field(s) which must be present. Add the name of the required field(s) into the list (i.e. required: [required_feature_one, ... ,required_feature_n])
  • properties: Contains the details of the required field(s). Every required field must be included and contain the following details:
    • description: A brief description of the field with some sample
    • type: The type of the required field. It can be array, string, number, etc
    • If the type is array, it must also contain a nested list named items, which contains the type of the element in the array (refer to output_classes in the example). You can include multiple types in the items list if you allow multiple types for the items (i.e. "items": {"type": "number", "type": "string"})


The metadata of the algorithm plugin. This file should be autogenerated by Cookiecutter according to the your input during the creation phase.

    "cid": "partial_dependence_plot",
    "name": "Partial Dependence Plot",
    "modelType": [
    "version": "0.9.0",
    "author": "AI Verify",
    "description": "A Partial Dependence Plot (PDP) explains how each feature and its feature value contribute to the predictions.",
    "tags": [
        "Partial Dependence Plot",
    "requireGroundTruth": false,
    "requiredFiles": [
  • cid: The component name of the algorithm
  • name: The name of this algorithm plugin
  • modelType: The type(s) of the algorithm model. It can be either classification, regression or both
  • version: The version of this algorithm. It defaults to 0.1.0. If this algorithm is an improvement of a previous algorithm, you should increase the version accordingly. Refer to Understanding Versioning for more information
  • author: The name of the developer or the developer's organisation
  • description: A short description on what the algorithm does
  • tags: A list of searchable tag(s) for the algorithm (i.e. you can add classification to this list if the algorithm supports it)
  • requiresGroundTruth: A boolean value to determine if this algorithm requires ground truth data
  • requiredFiles: A list of required files for the algorithm to run. If you have other required file(s) (currently we only allow .py files), add the file name into this list
    • If the .py file(s) are in a directory, you can add the directory into the list. The directory will be recursively traversed and all the discovered .py files will be added, with the directory hierarchy preserved
      • For example, my_additional_python_files_dir and are additional required directory and Python file added in by the user


      Do not remove or edit the required files already in the list


Python requirements file is used to keep track of the Python packages used by this algorithm plugin. It simplifies the installation of all required packages and makes it easy to share your project with others. Example:

numpy==1.24.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.12"
scipy==1.10.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.12"
This file should be updated if there are changes to the required Python packages.

Example of how to generate requirements.txt:
1. Using pip or pip3 to generate requirements.txt:

pip freeze > requirements.txt
2. Using a Python packaging and dependency management tool such as Poetry:
bash poetry export --without-hashes --format=requirements.txt > requirements.txt