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Each input block consists of at least two files located under the templates folder, which follows the following naming convention:

  • \<template cid>.meta.json
  • \<template cid>.data.mdx

Template Meta Data

During installation, the Plugin Manager will search for and validate the input block meta data according to the schema ai-verify.template.schema.json schema definitions.

Propreties Type Required Description
cid string, must match pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-._]*$ Yes Unique identifier for the template within the plugin.
name string Yes Template name.
description string No Template description.
author string No Template author

Exporting a Template Plugin

For now, the easiest way to create a template component is to export the template as plugin at the AI Verify Project page. This will download a zip file that contains a plugin containing the template data. To add the template component to an existing plugin project, simply copy the templates folder in the plugin zip to the target plugin folder.