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Each widget consists of at least two files, a meta file describing the widget and the MDX file for the widget. The files should be located under widgets folder of the plugin root directory, and file names should follow this format:

  • \<widget cid>.meta.json
  • \<widget cid>.mdx

Assuming you have created a widget with cid "sample-widget", then there should be the following files under the widgets folder:

  • sample-widget.meta.json
  • sample-widget.mdx

Widget Meta Data

During installation, the Plugin Manager will search for and validate the widget meta data according to the schema ai-verify.widget.schema.json schema definitions.

Propreties Type Required Description
cid string, must match pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-._]*$ Yes Unique identifier for the widget within the plugin.
name string Yes Widget name.
description string No Widget description.
widgetSize object Yes Describe the widget size in terms of canvas grid units. See Widget Size Object Schema for the schema of the widgetSize object.
properties array No List of widget properties. See Widget Property Schema.
tags array of string No List of tags for this widget. Used for search and filtering of the widget
dependencies array No List of input blocks and/or algorithms that this widget depends on. See Widget Dependency Schema.
mockdata array No List of sample data that is provided to the widget in the canvas page. See Widget Mock Data Schema.
dynamicHeight boolean No Indicates whether this widget has dynamic height. See Dynamic Height Widget

Note: The widget meta data does not contain a gid property as it is automatically inferred and referenced using the format

\<plugin gid>:\<widget cid>

Dynamic Height Widget

When the widget's dynamicHeight meta property is set to true, it indicates that the widget has dynamic height. Dynamic height widgets are special widgets that are treated different at the portal:

  • At the canvas editor page, dynamic height widgets must be placed at the bottom most position on the canvas, meaning there can be no other widgets beneath a dynamic height widget.
  • During report generation, the widget can "overflow" beyond the current page. The report generator will automatically insert page breaks.

Dynamic height widget can use CSS break-after, break-before and break-inside properties to specify where the page breaks can or cannot occur.

Widget Size Object Schema

The widgetSize property defines the minimum and maximum size of the widget. It is defined in the grid units that is used for the project canvas. When the template designer drags a widget onto the canvas, the default size of the widget is the minimum width and height defined.

Propreties Type Required Description
minW interger, range 1-12 Yes Minimum widget width.
minH interger, range 1-36 Yes Minimum widget height.
maxW interger, range 1-12 Yes Maximum widget width.
maxH interger, range 1-36 Yes Maximum widget height.

Widget Property Schema

The widget properties allows widget developers to define properties that affects the look and/or behaviour of the widget. Example of properties are color, textual information, etc. Each property should have a default value that is used if the property has no input. The template designers can change the properties of a widget by right clicking the widget in the canvas page to bring up the property dialog. Each property value can be a string input or selected from the canvas Global Properties.

Propreties Type Required Description
key string Yes Property key.
helper string Yes Helper text for the property.
default string No Default value for the property.

Widget Dependency Schema

Widget dependencies define the list of input blocks or algorithms that the widget depends on.

Propreties Type Required Description
cid string Yes CID of the component dependency.
gid string No GID of the plugin which the component dependency resides in. Not required if the component dependency resides in the same plugin as this widget
version string No Version of the component dependency. If version is not specified, then no version check will be performed

The version property is optional. If no version is specified, then the portal dependency check will NOT do version checking. It is recommended to specify the dependency version if referencing a component in other plugins.

If the widget defines an input block dependency, the data that user entered in the AI Verify Portal's User Input page can be accessed from the widget MDX through MDX props props.getIBData method.

If the widget defines an algorithm dependency, the results that is output by the algorithm will be provided to the widget MDX as MDX props props.getResults method.

Widget Mock Data Schema

Widget mock data provides mock data to the widget at the canvas page. If no mock data is provided, then no data will be provided to the widget at canvas page and the widget MDX should handle this condition.

Propreties Type Required Description
type string, enum ["Algorithm", "InputBlock"] Yes Type of sample data
cid string Yes CID of the component dependency
gid string No GID of the plugin which the component dependency resides in. Not required if the component dependency resides in the same plugin as this widget
datapath string yes File path containing the mock data in JSON format, e.g. mockdata.json. The file should be located within the widgets folder.


  "cid": "sample-widget",
  "name": "Sample Widget",
  "description": "This is a sample widget",
  "tags": ["sample"],
  "properties": [
      "key": "title",
      "helper": "Enter the widget title to be displayed at the top of the widget",
      "default": ""
  "widgetSize": {
    "minW": 1,
    "minH": 1,
    "maxW": 12,
    "maxH": 36
  "dependencies": [
      "cid": "fairness_metrics_toolbox_for_classification",
      "cid": "fairness_tree"
  "mockdata": [
      "type": "Algorithm",
      "cid": "fairness_metrics_toolbox_for_classification",
      "datapath": "fmt.output.sample.json" 
      "type": "InputBlock",
      "cid": "fairness_tree",
      "datapath": "fairness_tree.sample.json"

Widget MDX

Each widget must contain a valid MDX that will be rendered as a widget in an AI Verify report. During creation or update of an AI Verify project, the user can drag and drop a widget onto a project canvas, which will be eventually rendered as part of a report.

The widget dependencies informs the sytem what are the algorithms and/or input blocks that the widget depends on. The system then determine what are the algorithms and input blocks to run based on the dependency info.

The widget MDX are loaded as React components and the component properties are passed and accessed as props global variable.

Widget Props

Propreties Type Description
inputBlockData object Object containing the user input data saved, accessed by its gid props.inputBlockData[gid].
result object Object containing the output from an algorithm, accessed by its gid props.result[gid].
properties object Object containing the widget properties entered in the canvas page.
container object Object containing the widget container information, see Widget Container
getContainerObserver(callback) function Function to create an observer to retrieve the the widget container size, see Widget Container Observer
getResults(cid, gid=null) function Function to return result of an algorithm identified by cid. If gid of the algorithm is not specified, the function assumes same plugin gid as the widget.
getIBData(cid, gid=null) function Function to return data of an input block identified by cid. If gid of the input block is not specified, the function assumes same plugin gid as the widget.
getTest(cid, gid=null) function Function to return test result information (if successful), see Test Result Information
meta object Object containing widget meta data.
report object Object containing report information, see Report
modelAndDatasets object Object containing model and dataset information used to run the test (See Models and Datasets)

Example MDX to print out some of the widget props:

export const cid = "some_algo_cid"


Widget Container Observer

To retrieve the size of the widget container, call the following getContainerObserver function. The callback function passes the container width and height in pixel.

props.getContainerObserver((width, height) => {
  // Do something with the constainer width and height

Test Result Information

Propreties Type Description
timeStart string ISO data string of start time of test run
timeTaken number Time to complete test in seconds
testArguments object Test arguments


Propreties Type Description
timeStart date Date and time of when the report starts generation.
timeTaken number Total time taken (in seconds) to run all the tests and generate report.
totalTestTimeTaken number Total time taken (in seconds) to run all the tests.

Models and Datasets

Propreties Type Description
testDataset object Object containing test dataset information, see Dataset Object Schema for information on dataset fields
model object Object containing model information
groundTruthDataset object Object containing ground truth dataset information, see Dataset Object Schema for information on dataset fields
groundTruthColumn string Ground truth feature name
Dataset Object Schema
Propreties Type Description
filename string File name of dataset
name string Name of dataset
size string Size of dataset
description string Dataset description
type string Dataset type (File, Folder)
dataFormat string Dataset data format
AI Model Object Schema
Propreties Type Description
name string Name of model
description string model description
size string Size of model
type string Model access type (File, Folder, Pipeline, API)
modelType string Model type (Classification, Regression)
modelFormat string Model format