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Build and run from Dockerfile

To run AI Verify, these are the recommended requirements to run AI Verify on a local computer.

Recommended Requirements
Operating System Ubuntu 22.04 (64-bit)
Disk Space At least 10GB (excluding Docker Desktop)
Memory At least 4GB

** For running the API Connector feature on Docker, we recommend using Ubuntu Virtual Machine.

Software Required

Download and Run AI Verify


If you have installed AI Verify before, it is recommended to start the container in a clean state. Run the following commands to clean up existing data and files:

bash --reset

  1. Launch Docker Desktop.

  2. Download from Github Release

  3. Unzip

  4. The folder structure should look like this.

    <working directory>/
    ├── setup-aiverify/
        ├── aiverify-dev
        └── aiverify-user
            ├── DockerFile
            ├── docker-compose.yml
            └── ...

  5. Open a terminal and change the directory to the folder location.

    cd aiverify-user

  6. Execute the following command to build AI Verify.

    By default, ai-verify-portal listens on port 3000. If you have changed the port or if you set up a different hostname other than 'localhost' for the app, update the value of ALLOWED_ORIGINS by adding the build arguments behind the The command below is an example of how to do it:
    bash --build-arg=ALLOWED_ORIGINS="http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:4000,http://<hostname>:<port>"
    Replace <hostname> with your actual hostname and <port> with your actual port number. Ensure no spaces between commas.

  7. Wait for the setup to finish. Do observe the logs for errors.

  8. Click on the "Images" tab in Docker Desktop, you should see ai-verify image in the list of Docker Images: docker-image


It will take a while to build the docker image as there are many dependencies and modules required for the environment.

Run AI Verify

  1. Start AI Verify using our start script. There might be a possibility that you might encounter this error if you are running this for the first time. If you do, execute the command again. Error response from daemon: failed to mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/aiverify-user_plugins-volume/_data/accumulated-local-effect/widgets: mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/aiverify-user_plugins-volume/_data/accumulated-local-effect/widgets: file exists
  2. You will be prompted to enter Username and Password. !!! Warning If this is the first time running AI Verify on Docker after a new installation or if you did bash prior to bash, the Username and Password will be set in MongoDB. Please remember them as you will be prompted to enter them whenever you run AI Verify on Docker.
  3. Type http://localhost:3000 into your browser's address bar.


Upon initial start-up of the toolkit, pages might take some time to load.
