
Here are some common issues and solutions for problems that users may encounter while using the software.

Category Issue Subscription
Setup & Installation Systemctl command is not available if you are using WSL. We reccomend running the application in a virtual machine. Else, try this fix here:
Setup & Installation MAC and Linux users might encounter issues connecting to mongoDB. Go to lib/mongodb.mjs and change
const DB_URI = process.env.DB_URI || 'mongodb://aiverify:aiverify@localhost:27017/aiverify';
const DB_URI = process.env.DB_URI || 'mongodb://aiverify:aiverify@';
Test Run Test run fails with error: There was an error getting algorithm instance (not found) You might have some missing algorithm dependencies. Go to the 'Algorithm' tab for this plugin in the Plugin Manager Page and install any missing required packages.

If you have any other questions or need assistance, please check the project discussions or issue tracker for existing threads. If you cannot find a resolution, feel free to create a new discussion or issue, or head over to our contact page if you require assistance.