6. Select AI Model

Click on ‘Choose Model’.

If you have previously uploaded the AI Model to be tested, click on the row of the AI Model. Note that AI Models marked ‘Invalid’ have invalid properties and cannot be used. Click on ‘Use Model’ and Skip to Step 7

To upload new AI Models or connect to AI Model API, click on ‘New Model +’.


Select the type of AI Model to upload (AI Model / Pipeline) or connect to AI Model API and click ‘Next’. For this tutorial, we will be uploading an AI Model.


Drag and drop the AI Model file(s) onto the drop box or click to select files. A maximum of 10 files can be uploaded at once. For TensorFlow models, click on ‘Upload Folder’ to select the folder to be uploaded. For more information on model preparation, (See Getting Started > Preparation of Input Files).

Click on the dropdown beside each file picked to indicate its model type. In this tutorial, we will use Classification.

Click ‘Upload Selected Files >’.


Once model validation is completed, you can view the model information on the right panel.

If the model is invalid, refer to the error message for more information.

If the model is valid, you can edit the model name, description and model type by clicking on 'Edit'. You should include a short description of the model if you are using the AI Verify report templates. You can also update the Model Name.

Click on ‘Back to all Models’.



Select the AI Model to be tested by clicking on its row, then ‘Use Model’.
