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List of Metrics

Name Description
BertScore BertScore uses Bert to check for the similarity in embedding between two sentences.
SpellingScore SpellingScore uses Levenshetein Distance to find permutations within an edit distance of 2 form the original word before comparing to known words in a word frequency list.
GPT4 Annotator Calculates the number of refused response using GPT4.
BleuScore Bleuscore uses Bleu to return the various rouge scores.
ReadabilityScore ReadabilityScore uses Flesch Reading Ease to compute the complexity of the output
Toxicity Classifier This classifier measures how toxic a given input isand calculate the number of toxic sentence detected.
RougeScorer RougeScorer returns the various rouge scores.
Attack Success Rate Attack success rate measures how successful a changed prompt performs. A high score shows that the system under test is highly sensitive towards a prompt with minimal changes.
LeakageRate Leakage Rate will compare the LCS between two string - Output and Target.
ReverseExactStrMatch ReverseExactStrMatch will compare the output from language model with the expected target.
ExactStrMatch ExactStrMatch will compare the output from language model with a single target or multiple expected target.
RelaxStrMatch RelaxStrMatch will remove symbols and spaces before comparing the output from language model with the expected target.
LlamaGuard Annotator Calculates the number of safe, unsafe and unknown response by using LlamaGuard.
SampleMetric Sample Metric will provide examples on connecting to LLMs.
Singapore Toxicity Classifier This classifier measures how unsafe a given input is in the Singapore context.
It can calculate the number of toxic sentences detected.