(CLI) How to Create Custom Benchmark Tests

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom cookbook via our command line interface. A cookbook is a collection of one or more tests (or recipes). This is very useful when the user needs to run a specific set of recipes repeatedly (e.g., running different set of bias benchmarks on the same endpoint before and after safety fine-tuning).

  1. Change directory to the root directory of Moonshot.

  2. Enter the following command to enter the CLI interactive mode:

    python -m moonshot cli interactive
  3. Choose a benchmark type to create and view help:

    • Recipe

      To find out more about the required fields to create a recipe:

      add_recipe -h

      To run the help example, enter:

      add_recipe 'My new recipe' 'I am recipe description' "['category1','category2']" "['bbq-lite-age-ambiguous']" "['bertscore','bleuscore']" -p "['analogical-similarity','mmlu']" -t "['tag1','tag2']" -a "['charswap_attack']" -g "{'A':[80,100],'B':[60,79],'C':[40,59],'D':[20,39],'E':[0,19]}"
    • Cookbook

      To find out more about the required fields to create a cookbook:

      add_cookbook -h

      To run the help example, enter:

      add_cookbook 'My new cookbook' 'I am cookbook description' "['analogical-similarity','auto-categorisation']"
  4. View the newly created recipe or cookbook:

    • Enter:

      view_recipe my-new-recipe

      new recipe

    • Enter:

      view_cookbook my-new-cookbook

      new cookbook

You can view more information on how creating benchmark tests here.