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Running Moonshot as a Web API

Moonshot Web API is built using FastAPI. This guide will help you get started and configure your environment. This will be useful if you are intending to create your own UI.

Launch Moonshot Web API

To run Moonshot Web API:

$ python -m moonshot web-api

For instructions on setting up the Moonshot UI, please refer to the Moonshot UI repository.

Customising Moonshot Web API Configuration

By default, Moonshot Web API uses its own configuration settings. However, you can customize these settings by providing your own .env file in the directory where you are running Moonshot.

Configuring Your Environment Variable File

The .env file should include the following variables:

Key Description Example
MS_WEB_API_CONFIG This is used to specify the path to your configuration file. /User/path/to/your/config.yml
APP_ENVIRONMENT This defines the environment in which you are running Moonshot. PROD
HOST This is the host where you wish to run Moonshot.
PORT This is the port at which you wish to run your FastAPI. /5000

Configuring your Configuration File

The config.yml file contains several sections. Here's a brief overview of each section:


Key Description Example
monitor_task This flag determines whether to monitor tasks in asyncio or not. monitor_task: false


Key Description Example
enabled This flag determines whether SSL is enabled or not. enabled: ${ENABLE_SSL:false}
file_path This is the path to the directory containing the SSL certificate and key files. file_path: "${SSL_FILE_PATH:./web_api/certs}
cert_filename This is the filename of the SSL certificate. cert_filename: "cert.pem"
key_filename This is the filename of the SSL key. key_filename: "key.pem"


Key Description Example
enabled This flag determines whether CORS is enabled or not. enabled: false
allowed_origins This is a list of origins that are allowed to make cross-origin requests. allowed_origins: "http://localhost:3000"


Key Description Example
logging This flag determines whether logging is enabled or not. logging: ${LOGGING:true}
level This sets the level of logging. It could be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL. level: ${LOG_LEVEL:DEBUG}
format This specifies the format of the log messages. format: "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] [%(name)s]: %(message)s"
log_file_path This is the path where the log files will be stored. log_file_path: "/path/to/write/moonshot.logs"
log_file_max_size This is the maximum size (in bytes) that a log file can have before it gets rolled over. log_file_max_size: 5242880
log_file_backup_count This is the number of backup log files to keep. log_file_backup_count: 3"

For more example on how to structure your config.yml file, refer to the example provided here.