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List of CLI Commands

Command Description Parameters
add_cookbook 'My new cookbook' 'I am cookbook description' "['analogical-similarity','auto-categorisation']"
Add a new cookbook. The 'name' argument will be slugified to create a unique identifier.
name (str)Name of the new cookbook
example: 'My new cookbook'
description (str)Description of the new cookbook
example: I am cookbook description'
recipes (str)List of recipes to be included in the new cookbook
example: "['analogical-similarity','auto-categorisation']"
add_recipe 'My new recipe' 'I am recipe description' "['category1','category2']" "['bbq-lite-age-ambiguous']" "['bertscore','bleuscore']" -p "['analogical-similarity','mmlu']" -t "['tag1','tag2']" -g "{'A':[80,100],'B':[60,79],'C':[40,59],'D':[20,39],'E':[0,19]}"
Add a new recipe. The 'name' argument will be slugified to create a unique identifier.
name (str)Name of the new recipe
example: 'My new recipe'
description (str)Description of the new recipe
example: 'I am recipe description'
categories (str) List of categories to be included in the new recipe (currently in string format). It will be converted into a list in the backend
example: "['category1','category2']"
-t, --tags (str)List of tags to be included in the new recipe
example: "['tag1','tag2']"
datasets (str)The dataset to be used
example: "['bbq-lite-age-ambiguous']"
-p, --prompt_templates (str)List of prompt templates to be included in the new recipe
example: "['analogical-similarity','mmlu']"
metrics (str)List of metrics to be included in the new recipe
example: "['bertscore','bleuscore']"
-g, --grading_scale (str)Dict of grading scale for the metric to be included in the new recipe
example: "{'A':[80,100],'B':[60,79],'C':[40,59],'D':[20,39],'E':[0,19]}"
delete_cookbook my-new-cookbook
Delete a cookbook.
cookbook (str)Id of the cookbook
example: my-new-cookbook
delete_dataset bbq-lite-age-ambiguous
Delete a dataset.
dataset (str)Name of the dataset
example: bbq-lite-age-ambiguous
delete_metric my-new-metric
Delete a metric.
metric (str)Name of the metric
example: my-new-metric
delete_recipe my-new-recipe
Delete a recipe.
recipe (str)Id of the recipe
example: my-new-recipe
delete_result my-new-cookbook-runner
Delete a result.
result (str)Name of the result
example: my-new-cookbook-runner
delete_runner my-new-cookbook-runner
Delete a runner.
runner (str)Name of the runner
example: my-new-cookbook-runner
list_cookbooks -f "risk"
List all cookbooks.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find cookbook(s) with keyword
example: risk
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate cookbook(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_datasets -f "bbq"
List all datasets.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find dataset(s) with keyword
example: bbq
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate dataset(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_metrics -f "exact"
List all metrics.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find metric(s) with keyword
example: "exact"
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate metric(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_recipes -f "mmlu"
List all recipes.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find recipe(s) with keyword
example: mmlu
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate recipes(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_results -f "my-runner"
List all results.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find result(s) with keyword
example: my-runner
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate result(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
List all runners. -
list_runs -f "my-run"
List all runs.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find run(s) with keyword
example: my-run
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate run(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
run_cookbook "my new cookbook runner" "['chinese-safety-cookbook']" "['openai-gpt35-turbo']" -n 1 -r 1 -s "You are an intelligent AI"
Run a cookbook.
name (str)Name of cookbook runner
example: "my new cookbook runner"
cookbooks (str)List of cookbooks to run
example: "['chinese-safety-cookbook']"
endpoints (str)List of endpoints to run
example: "['openai-gpt35-turbo']"
-n, --prompt_selection_percentage (int)Percentage of prompts to run
example: 1
-r, --random_seed (int)Random seed number
example: 1
-s, --system_prompt (str)System Prompt to use
example: "You are an intelligent AI"
-l, --runner_proc_module (str)Runner processing module to use. Defaults to use the benchmarking module
-o, --result_proc_module (str)Result processing module to use. Defaults to use the benchmarking-result module
run_recipe "my new recipe runner" "['bbq','mmlu']" "['openai-gpt35-turbo']" -n 1 -r 1 -s "You are an intelligent AI"
Run a recipe.
name (str)Name of recipe runner
example: "my new recipe runner"
recipes (str)List of recipes to run
example: "['bbq','mmlu']"
endpoints (str)List of endpoints to run
example: "['openai-gpt35-turbo']"
-n, --prompt_selection_percentage (int)Percentage of prompts to run
example: 1
-r, --random_seed (int)Random seed number
example: 1
-s, --system_prompt (str)System Prompt to use
example: "You are an intelligent AI"
-l, --runner_proc_module (str)Runner processing module to use. Defaults to use the benchmarking module
-o, --result_proc_module (str)Result processing module to use. Defaults to use the benchmarking-result module
update_cookbook my-new-cookbook "[('name', 'Updated Cookbook Name'), ('description', 'Updated description'), ('recipes', ['analogical-similarity'])]"
Update a cookbook.
cookbook (str)Id of the cookbook
example: my-new-cookbook
update_values (str)Update cookbook key/value
example: "[('name', 'Updated Cookbook Name'), ('description', 'Updated description'), ('recipes', ['analogical-similarity'])]"
update_recipe my-new-recipe "[('name', 'Updated Recipe Name'), ('tags', ['fairness', 'bbq'])]"
Update a recipe.
recipe (str)Id of the recipe
example: my-new-recipe
update_values (str)Update recipe key/value
example: "[('name', 'Updated Recipe Name'), ('tags', ['fairness', 'bbq'])]"
view_cookbook my-new-cookbook
View a cookbook.
cookbook (str)Id of the cookbook
example: my-new-cookbook
view_dataset bbq-lite-age-ambiguous
View a dataset file.
dataset_filename (str)Name of the dataset file
example: bbq-lite-age-ambiguous
view_metric my-new-metric
View a metric file.
metric_filename (str)Name of the metric file
example: my-new-metric
view_recipe my-new-recipe
View a recipe.
recipe (str)Id of the recipe
example: my-new-recipe
view_result my-new-cookbook-runner
View a result file.
result_filename (str)Name of the result file
example: my-new-cookbook-runner
view_run my-new-cookbook-runner
View a runner runs.
runner_id (str)Name of the runner
example: my-new-cookbook-runner
view_runner my-new-cookbook-runner
View a runner.
runner (str)Name of the runner
example: my-new-cookbook-runner
add_dataset 'dataset-name' 'A brief description' '' 'MIT' 'csv' "{'csv_file_path': '/path/to/your/file.csv'}"
add_dataset 'dataset-name' 'A brief description' '' 'MIT' 'hf' "{'dataset_name': 'cais/mmlu', 'dataset_config': 'college_biology', 'split': 'test', 'input_col': ['question','choices'], 'target_col': 'answer'}"
Add a new dataset. The 'name' argument will be slugified to create a unique identifier.
name (str)Name of the new dataset
example: dataset-name
description (str)Description of the new dataset
example: 'A brief description'
reference (str)Reference of the new dataset
example: ''
license (str)License of the new dataset
example: 'MIT'
method (str)Method to convert the new dataset. Choose either 'hf' or 'csv'.
example: hf
params (literal_eval)Params of the new dataset in dictionary format.
For 'csv' method: "{'csv_file_path': '/path/to/your/file.csv'}"
For 'hf' method: "{'dataset_name': 'cais_mmlu', 'dataset_config': 'college_biology', 'split': 'test', 'input_col': ['questions','choices'], 'target_col': 'answer'}"
add_endpoint openai-connector 'OpenAI GPT3.5 Turbo 1106' MY_URI ADD_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE 1 1 "{'temperature': 0.5, 'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106'}"
Add a new endpoint. The 'name' argument will be slugified to create a unique identifier.
connector_type (str)Type of connection for the endpoint
example: openai-connector
name (str)Name of the new endpoint
example: 'OpenAI GPT3.5 Turbo 1106'
uri (str)URI of the new endpoint
example: MY_URI
token (str)Token of the new endpoint
max_calls_per_second (int)Max calls per second of the new endpoint
example: 1
max_concurrency (int)Max concurrency of the new endpoint
example: 1
params (str)Params of the new endpoint
example: "{'temperature': 0.5, 'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106'}"
delete_endpoint openai-gpt4
Delete an endpoint.
endpoint (str)ID of the endpoint
example: openai-gpt4
delete_prompt_template squad-shifts
Delete a prompt template.
prompt_template (str)The ID of the prompt template to delete
example: squad-shifts
list_connector_types -f "openai"
List all connector types.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find connector type(s) with keyword
example: openai
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate connector type(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_endpoints -f "gpt"
List all endpoints.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find endpoint(s) with keyword
example: gpt
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate endpoint(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_prompt_templates -f "toxicity"
List all prompt templates.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find prompt template(s) with keyword
example: toxicity
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate prompt template(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
update_endpoint openai-gpt4 "[('name', 'my-special-openai-endpoint'), ('uri', 'my-uri-loc'), ('token', 'my-token-here')]"
Update an endpoint.
endpoint (str)ID of the endpoint. This field is not editable via CLI after creation.
example: openai-gpt4
update_kwargs (str)Update endpoint key/value
example: "[('name', 'my-special-openai-endpoint'), ('uri', 'my-uri-loc'), ('token', 'my-token-here')]"
view_endpoint openai-gpt4
View an endpoint.
endpoint (str)ID of the endpoint
example: openai-gpt4
add_bookmark openai-connector 2 my-bookmarked-prompt
Bookmark a prompt
endpoint (str)Endpoint which the prompt was sent to.
example: openai-connector
prompt_id (int)ID of the prompt (the leftmost column)
example: 2
bookmark_name (str)Name of the bookmark
example: my-bookmarked-prompt
delete_attack_module sample_attack_module
Delete an attack module.
attack_module (str)The ID of the attack module to delete
example: sample_attack_module
delete_bookmark my_bookmarked_prompt
Delete a bookmark
bookmark_name (str)Name of the bookmark
example: my_bookmarked_prompt
delete_context_strategy add_previous_prompt
Delete a context strategy.
context_strategy (str)The ID of the context strategy to delete
example: add_previous_prompt
delete_session my-test-runner
Delete a session
session (str)The runner ID of the session to delete
example: my-test-runner
export_bookmarks "my_list_of_exported_bookmarks"
Exports bookmarks as a JSON file
bookmark_list_name (str)Name of the exported bookmarks JSON file you want to save as (without the .json extension)
example: my_list_of_exported_bookmarks
list_attack_modules -f "text"
List all attack modules.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find attack module(s) with keyword
example: text
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate attack module(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_bookmarks -f my_bookmark
List all bookmarks.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find bookmark(s) with keyword
example: my_bookmark
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate bookmark(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_context_strategies -f "previous_prompt"
List all context strategies.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find context strategies with keyword
example: previous_prompt
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate context strategies(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
list_sessions -f "my-sessions"
List all sessions.
-f, --find (str)Optional field to find session(s) with keyword
example: my-sessions
-p, --pagination (str)Optional tuple to paginate session(s). E.g. (2,10) returns 2nd page with 10 items in each page.
example: (2,10)
new_session my-runner -e "['openai-gpt4']" -c add_previous_prompt -p mmlu
Creates a new red teaming session.
runner_id (str)ID of the runner. Creates a new runner if runner does not exist.
example: my-runner
-e, --endpoints (str)List of endpoint(s) for the runner that is only compulsory for creating a new runner.
example: "['openai-gpt4']"
-c, --context_strategy (str)Name of the context_strategy to be used - indicate context strategy here if you wish to use with the selected attack.
example: add_previous_prompt
-p, --prompt_template (str)Name of the prompt template to be used - indicate prompt template here if you wish to use with the selected attack.
example: mmlu
Automated red teaming
run_attack_module sample_attack_module "this is my prompt" -s "test system prompt" -m bleuscore
Runs automated red teaming in the current session.
attack_module_id (str)ID of the attack module.
example: sample_attack_module
prompt (str)Prompt to be used for the attack.
example: "this is my prompt"
-s, --system_prompt (str)System Prompt to be used for the attack. If not specified, the default system prompt will be used.
example: "test system prompt"
-c, --context_strategy (str)Name of the context strategy module to be used. If this is set, it will overwrite the context strategy set in the session while running this attack module.
example: add_previous_prompt
-n, --cs_num_of_prev_prompts (str)The number of previous prompts to use with the context strategy. If this is set, it will overwrite the number of previous prompts set in the session while running this attack module.
example: 5
-p, --prompt_template (str)Name of the prompt template to be used. If this is set, it will overwrite the prompt template set in the session while running this attack module.
example: mmlu
-m, --metric (str)Name of the metric module to be used.
example: bleuscore
-o, --optional_args (str)Optional parameters to input into the red teaming module.
example: "{'my_attack_module_custom_field': 1.0}"
use_bookmark my_bookmark
Use a bookmarked prompt
bookmark_name (str)Name of the bookmark
example: my_bookmark
use_context_strategy my_strategy_one
Use a context strategy.
context_strategy (str)The ID of the context strategy to use
example: my_strategy_one
-n, --num_of_prev_prompts (int)The number of previous prompts to use with the context strategy
example: 6
use_prompt_template 'analogical-similarity'
Use a prompt template.
prompt_template (str)Name of the prompt template
example: analogical-similarity
use_session 'my-runner'
Use an existing red teaming session by specifying the runner ID.
runner_id (str)The ID of the runner which contains the session you want to use.
example: my-runner
view_bookmark my_bookmarked_prompt
View a bookmark
bookmark_name (str)Name of the bookmark you want to view
example: my_bookmarked_prompt