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Choosing Relevant Tests

  1. Click on ‘Get Started’

Home Page for Moonshot

  1. This page lists the cookbooks that Moonshot provides. Each cookbook contains tests of the same theme. Select the areas that are relevant to your use case. This is not final as you will be able to further curate the scope and scale of the tests in following steps.

    View full list of cookbook details


    Some of these cookbooks contain scoring metrics that require connection to specific models.

    MLCommons AI Safety Benchmarks v0.5 (Requires an API key for accessing Llama Guard via Together AI)

    Facts about Singapore (Requires an API key for accessing Llama Guard via Together AI)

    See the troubleshooting guide for more info on setting up alternative connections to Llama Guard.

  2. When done, click on the next button. List of Cookbooks

  3. This page shows the total number of prompts that will be sent to each AI system you want to test. Click on ‘these cookbooks’ to see in greater detail what tests will be run. Cookbooks that will be running

  4. This page shows you the cookbooks available in Moonshot, categorised according to Capability, Trust & Safety, Quality and Others (for cookbooks without any categories).

    You can click on ‘About’ for each cookbook to see what recipes it contains.

    Recommended Cookbooks

    Check the ‘Run this cookbook’ checkbox if you wish to run any of the cookbooks. Click on ‘X’ to close the pop-up.

    Cookbook Details

    You can also unselect cookbooks if you do not wish to run them.

    Click on ‘OK’ once you are satisfied with the cookbooks to be run. The total number of prompts to be sent should be updated. (There will be a step later on in the workflow for you to run a smaller number of prompts)

    Choosing of Cookbooks

    Click on the next button.

    Page Displaying Number of Prompts